Physical and Psychological Safety in Healthcare.

Manitoba Association for Safety in Healthcare Inc. (MASH) is Manitoba's healthcare specific industry-based safety program (IBSP).

What is MASH?

Manitoba Association for Safety in Healthcare (MASH) is Manitoba’s health care specific, industry-based safety program. We provide safety training, consulting services and Safe Work certification for all health care workers and are committed to working with our members to provide the health and safety resources they need to create a safe work environment for their employees.

Star of Safety Excellence in Healthcare

As the industry-based safety program for health care, MASH is pleased to present the Star of Safety Excellence in Healthcare award.

Submit your nomination today.

Our mission is; empower, support, and enable those working within the healthcare sector to create safer environments to reduce preventable harm.


MASH will work with members to assess their readiness, provide support, and help achieve certification as it relates to the healthcare industry.


Gap assessments, program development, preparation for certification, assisting with implementation of health and safety committees, and providing support.


Safe Work Certified training courses, workplace incident investigations, hazards identification and risk control.

From our members

At Actionmarguerite, becoming SAFE Work certified is service and compassion in action! Leading through innovation, excellence and collaboration demonstrates to employees that we care. We care that they go home safe to their family, and we care enough to be a learning organization that focuses on continuous improvement. We know that employees who work safely are well positioned to provide the best for the residents we support. The people of MASH have been instrumental and proactive in assisting us on our journey to build a culture of safety in health care through certification. We are grateful to be the very first health care organization that is SAFE Work certified; and to be able to call MASH a true partner in safe health care.

Sheila Bayda

Chief Human Resource Officer


We are thankful to have achieved SAFE Work certification through MASH, which supports our commitment to continuous improvement and a safe work environment. This achievement reflects many hours of work by our occupational safety and health team, and the collaborative efforts of workplace health and safety committees across the region.

Marion Ellis



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